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Harvesting a Tom with Tanner England

I was fortunate enough to harvest this big Tom on April 6, 2017, which is opening day of turkey season here in Oklahoma. The hunt began by roosting the birds the evening prior and we returned before dawn the next morning and almost had the Avian Tom & hen decoy set up in our ambush point just 200 yds from the roost and started hearing gobbles right where we had roosted them.


Rush of Excitement

It was an instant rush of excitement because I knew we were set up right where the birds wanted to fly down and sure enough as soon as it got light we had 15 hens and 4 long-beards in our lap. The SKRE gear was put to work instantly! I felt almost invisible as I literally sat frozen near a cedar tree and called the four Strutters to 10 yds and I was amazed at how well the camo blended because not once did they notice anything suspicious. As they got to the decoy they began to peck at it and flog it so I then placed a arrow on the biggest Tom of the group and he made it about 75 yds before falling over. Thanks SKRE for helping me get that up close shot I needed!
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