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Skre Success by Brad Mincic - Skre Gear

Skre Success by Brad Mincic

SKRE SUCCESS!! I harvested this beautiful mountain goat on September the 4th. This hunt actually started back in April when I received email from Colorado Division of Wildlife that I had been successful in drawing the tag in unit G3.

The work started from that day researching, getting maps ready and all supplies needed.

Then in June and July my wife and myself started making weekend scouting trips to Mt Harvard to look for the goats.

We had to hike 6 miles into the area of around 14250 feet in elevation which in its own was no easy task. We had spotted quite a few goats on these trips. Then the day before the season came my cousin Matt and I headed to the area to hike in and get ready for the opening day each of us had 60 pound packs with enough food to stay for 4 or 5 days.

Opening day came and we were so excited to start looking for the goats. We spotted one about 1/2 mile away and we decided to go after it. It took us 2 hours to make our way within 350 yards to get setup for the shot. We had to wait several hours for the goat to stand up and once it did, I took a successful shot.

That's when the real work began - climbing those 350 yards to the goat on rock slides, getting the goat caped, and deboned. It was a struggle doing so on the side of a 14000 ft peak.

Our work wasn't done until we packed out 7 miles with my once in a lifetime trophy animal. The challenge made the hunt unforgettable. This hunt is one I will forever be thankful for. It was an experience of a lifetime.

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